Saturday, June 28, 2008

My ten day in school

"My ten day in school"

Today is the last day of our subject.We create a free style editing
of our photoshop all the activity will be finish right now beacuse
on monday some of our activity will be put on photoalbum...



Thursday, June 26, 2008

my nine day in school

"my nine day in our school"
Today we make a environment editing i edit a cloudy landscape
and i mix it in other environment like forest and fall and i made
a nice and wonder full place. w0w~ i thought it was difficult but...
like our teacher said it was easy so .... it was`nt difficult at all
in fact i like it.. although my work was not that cool... ahheheheh..
it was ahhmmmm what should i call it... ahmmmm war or something...
aheheheheh but it was a good because i was able to learn a new kind of
editing //

soul eater s death the kid

my nine day in school

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

my eight day in school

"MY eight day in our school"

Today we make our first activity in photo shop.
The first activity that we do is editing of face
it was difficult tough i can manage....
but the first thing that comes out when editing the faces was my crush...

a lot of pokemon

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My seventh day in school

" My seventh day in school"

Today our teacher teach us how to use the adobe photoshop and
ther tool.first sir Dosejo teach how to edit a photo he have
see us a movie editing a photo and its so wonderfull because
the old woman she face transform in to young lady...

had to do it

Monday, June 23, 2008

My six day in school

"My six day in school"

today my other classmate have make there not finish work
on friday.So the photoshop well be tech tommorow and i
think its so fun lesson see u tommorow.....

Onion club 1

Friday, June 20, 2008

5th day in school

"Its fireday"
today i make a free style in corel draw i have finish it
early and i have such fun in doing corel draw but on monday
we prosced on photo shop see you on monday.....
